I AM Horatio: the Art Firm Art is for the SouL.
The Art Brokerage House
Art, Visual Art, Prints, Originals, Black Art, African American Art,
Custom Art, Custom Designs, Painting, Drawing, etc.
The Art Brokerage House Art, Visual Art, Prints, Originals, Black Art, African American Art, Custom Art, Custom Designs, Painting, Drawing, and more...
This Art Brokerage House acknowledges YAHWEH [GOD] as the supreme authority. Every thought, every image, every symbol, that is illustrated is an inspiration of and from the CREATOR. The I AM is identified as one of the many names of YAHWEH [GOD]. I AM Horatio, therefore, is a double entendre. First, it openly identifies the order and hiercharcy of the firm: YAHWEH [GOD] first. Secondly, it creates an identifier for the artist: I am Horatio.
Title: Homework
Title: Class i
I AM Horatio: The Art Firm
The Art Brokerage House engages in the creation and business of Fine Art. We are able to create a visual representation of anything you are able to imagine:
Art, Visual Art, Prints, Originals, Black Art, African American Art, Custom Art, Custom Designs, Painting, Drawing, and More...